

The city of Little River was established June 1st,1880. Fr. Bernard Vanderlage was the first priest to establish a mission to Catholics. He traveled by horseback to offer Mass in family homes. In 1884, Rev. James Hartmann of Hutchinson was appointed as pastor of the Holy Trinity mission. In 1885, the first church was dedicated. The church suffered severe damage due to weather in 1909. The second church was dedicated in 1910. Holy Trinity was a mission for 70 yrs until 1951, when it was given a pastor Fr. Adolph Stremel of Lyons. Fr. Arthur Tonne was appointed Nov. 1st, 1951 as the first resident pastor after a rectory was built. Fr. James Hoagland, pastor in residence, built the current church and the first Mass in the church was offered Dec. 1st of 1968. The dedication occurred Sept. 7th, 1969. Fr. Aaron Spexarth of Hutchinson is our current pastor and Fr. Edmond Kline was assigned as sacramental priest in residence, July 1st, 2021.

Holy Mass & Confession Times

Mass Times

Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8:00am

Weekday Masses: Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 7am

Wed. 6:30pm

Sat. 8:00am

During Lent Friday Mass is at 6:30pm, Stations of the Cross 6:00pm

Confession Times

30 min., before all Masses

Continuous Eucharistic Adoration

Sun. 9am to Tues. 7am

Contact Us

455 Harrison
PO Box 32
Little River, KS 67457

Donate: Contact: Brenda Wright at People’s State Bank Little River at 620-897-6218